Saturday, April 28, 2007

Planning stages

All my life I have always felt like there was a piece of me that was missing. The missing piece of the puzzle, that I call life, is on the island of Terceira in the Azores, Portugal.

The story began with my parents. My father was in the military, stationed at Lajes Air Force base in Terceira. He was introduced to my mother by his best friend Herb, who was married to my mother's best friend, Julieta. I believe that there is no such thing as coincidences. Things happened the way they were supposed to. My Mother and Father, as different as they were, were meant to be.

My mother: Felisbela Maria DaSilva. Short and sweet! A real looker back in the day. She was more beautiful than any movie star I have ever seen. It was no wonder she had to have a chaperon everywhere she went.

My father: Donald Merle Lund. Tall and handsome! He was up there with a young James Dean and Elvis Presley! He looked so handsome in his Air Force uniform, how could any girl resist.