Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Passport in Hand

This week I received my passport in the mail! The reality is starting to hit me. My life long dream of tracing my roots and meeting more of my Portuguese family will be here very soon.
I am not prepared mentally or financially, but it doesn't really matter. I will go anyways. I have no expectations for this trip. I will savor this experience "slow and easy" as my father would have done.
The one thing I do know, is that the food and wine will be plentiful and I plan to enjoy every moment of it. There will be no worries here. I will leave them all behind me.

I have been working to get into shape. I want to be bathing suit ready, and plan to do a lot of walking to explore every nook and cranny of my native island.

We have about two months before we go. There is still much work to do. I am motivated and excited. But, I have anxiety over leaving my family and friends. I have never been over seas, and I don't like flying much. But I look forward to the adventure even if it has to begin and end with Lorazepam! :-)