Monday, August 13, 2007

Final Days on the Praia

Yesterday Tio Armando drove us up to the mountains and we got to see another view of Praia. There were lots of cows and it was amazing to see all the land that is separated with walls of lava rock. The land on the hills from a distance just look like squares on a map. The work that had to go into building these walls just amazes me. It’s equally amazing that the cattle stay within these walls because they really are not very tall.

My mother’s sister Ana and her husband Jose arrived from Canada. It was so great to meet them after all these years of receiving letters and Christmas cards from them. They are very gracious and over the last few days we have enjoyed getting to know them.

Today we went shopping in Angra. My Tio Armando bought my sisters and I each a gold charm, that said “remember your Uncle” in Portuguese. It was very nice of him. It would be hard to forget him. He has been a huge part of our experience here on the island.

Tonight we plan to go to town center for a children’s parade. This will be the third one we have been to since we’ve been here. Tia Alice likes to get there early to get a spot for her chairs. We then go to the cafĂ© next door and get the best ice cream I have ever tasted. So far my favorites are banana chocolate and rum raisin. You can get a small cup for just one euro.

My sisters and I got these t-shirts from the Sagres Cerveja Company. On the back in Portuguese it says…. Nao Me Chateies Estamos Na Praia! Which means, “Don’t bother me, I’m in Praia” That pretty much sums it all up for us! If you see me wearing this shirt, you know where my thoughts are so, “don’t bother me."

Tonight is our final night with family. I am sitting at the marina waiting for my usual “Sagres” My sisters are having Sangria. After the sun goes down we will go to Serra do Facho to view our beloved Praia at night. I anticipate many tears as they have already been flowing off and on throughout the day.

Tomorrow we will be in Boston and I will update you further with pictures of our dear Tias and Tios.

Ate Amanha (Until Tomorrow)

Maria Tres Da Silva

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