Thursday, August 2, 2007

Looks Like we made it!

So after 24 hours of traveling, I am finally out of my Larazapam coma and living among the native Azoreans. Today my we spent about six hours walking the cobblestone streets in Praia visiting the home where my mother grew up and the store front where she worked when she met my father. We also visited the church where they were married, but we'll have to wait until Sunday to see the inside of the church. Getting internet access has been much more difficult than we expected. We had to walk down the beach and sneak into the office of a marina to get access to their wireless network. So I have to hurry before the Policia arrive. :-) Here is a picture to start with. Hopefully there will be more to come. Please visit Dorothy and Teresa's links below for different pictures and other details about our day.


Lisa "da Silva" :-)

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