Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Manly Matadors?

Alright, so it’s been a few days since I’ve sent anything. The internet here is less than satisfactory, but oh well…. So where do I begin?

The bullfights: In the attempt to be manly men the Matadors and Cavaleiros did their thing; making the Azorean men roar wild in their seats at the arena. I was only impressed with the smooth moves of the horses and the Cavaleiro. I was more interested in the costumes worn by the men who were trying so hard to look manly. The only manliness I saw was the obvious packages that they made no attempt to disguise. The costumes themselves I believe were designed by the maricas (homosexuals) of the islands. No disrespect intended.

We spent some time in Biscoitos, which will be further explained in my sisters’ entries. It was beautiful.

We went to a winery there which was very nice. The wine was very good. I will bring some home if customs doesn’t take it from me.

I have bought more than I can afford in jewelry, but it will be worth it. Hopefully customs won’t tax me to death.

The merchants in town have gotten to know us. They want to rent me space to open a salon. The price is very reasonable. I would seriously consider it if my children were grown. I think I will have to spend my summers here. I can get work here easily…..

Be prepared, I am an Azores Island girl through and through and I have found my home…….

My family, they are the best! Our Tio Armando or as my sister Teresa calls him “Our Man” is the best! This experience would not have been the same without him.

Tia Alice is the best cook ever and is responsible for the 10 pounds I will be coming home with. But, I have to tell you every pound was worth it! She is passing her recipes on to me. I feel honored! Let’s just hope I can make her proud!

More later

Maria the tres “da Silva”

Maria the third….. da Silva

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