Sunday, August 5, 2007

Food, Family, and Fun!

Bom Dia!

Today is day number five on the Island. So far we have partied a lot. The Festas bring out mobs of people at night eating and drinking until the wee hours of the morning. The attitude about drinking is much different here. Everyone drinks, but nobody gets drunk. The beers are very small so people don’t over indulge. We eat these things that look like beans. They are called “Tremoco”. They are salty with a slight garlic flavor and are better than peanuts with beer.

In the cafes we have espresso or cappuccino with queijadas which is like a Portuguese cup cake, but not really. It’s hard to explain. My favorite is coconut, and the feijao (bean) with cinnamon. You cannot get anything “to go” which forces me to really sit down and take in the whole experience. “Slow and Easy” as dad would say.

My Tia Alice is an amazing cook. Everyday she gives me a new recipe. Don’t ask for them though, I am sworn to keep them in the family. For breakfast we usually eat fresh bread, cheese and fruit. For dinner we eat fish or meat with vegetables from the garden and of course vinho tinto (red wine). Alice has labeled me a trouble maker. I think she means this in a good way. She says I remind her of herself when she was younger.

My Tios Elmiro and Armando are so funny. They are big teasers. Armando has been the driver for my sisters and me. We are having such a great time with him, laughing like little kids.

It has been really great watching my mother in her own element. She is much more social and comfortable here. Everywhere we go she runs into people on the street that recognize her from their younger years. The people are so friendly here. Everyone gets hugs and kisses. All the girls are “Maria’s” and all the guys are “Manuel’s” It’s sort of a joke. My Tio Armando calls me Maria da Silva.

Yesterday we went to Angra which is the “big city". We walked around the parks, checked out the view from Mt. Brasil, and of course stopped to have espresso and cerveja.

Remember to check out my sisters' links. They will have different photos and information to share.


Maria da Silva

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